Introducing the NEW
SpeakerMatch Marketing Secrets
Training & Mentoring Program
Systems, templates, scripts, and tools help to make
simpler, more effective, and less time-consuming.
Your Quick Success Package Includes:
We've thought of everything you need to really help your speaking career soar. We know the mistakes speakers make in building a sustainable speaking business and how to avoid the pitfalls. We want you to be successful, so we've put together the tools you need to make it happen.
- Elevator Pitch
- Initial Phone Call
- “Checking In” Phone Call
- Outgoing Voicemail Message
- Incoming Voicemail Message
- Fees, Expenses, and Pricing
- Introduction Email
- Follow-up Email
- “No response” Email
- Needs Assessment
- Logistics and Information Gathering
- Request for PR/Media Exposure
- Alternate Compensation Options
- Audio Profile
- “Declined” Follow Up
- After The Event Message
- Referral Request
- Testimonial Request
- Product Pitch/Request to Pitch
- JV/Affiliate Request
- Request for Additional Business
- Workshop/Breakout Information
- Speaker One-sheet
- Pricing List
- Sales Letters
- Postcards
- Client List
- Testimonials
- Media Coverage
- Speaking Schedule/Calendar
- Program Descriptions
- Press Release
- Easel Signage
- Contract
- Preparation Checklist for Planner
- Stage Introduction
- Evaluation Form
- Referral Request
- Branded Email
- Letterhead and Business Cards
- Handouts

We want you to be successful.
You'll also get 4 weekly sessions of our fast-action tele-course led by Johnny Campbell. With accountability partners!!And that's not all... We also include:
A Unique Program of 3 Monthly Mastermind Coaching and Mentoring Sessions.
We'll help get you started and set on the right path! Check in monthly and get personalized assistance!"You can't possibly book a gig if the meeting planner doesn't know you exist!"
Ask yourself...
How do I take things to the next level?We know... running a speaking business is hard. Most speakers fail to understand that speaking is a BUSINESS, and it's important to have systems, scripts, templates, and other tools in place so that you aren't wating time and valuable resources re-inventing the wheel.
Do you know how to increase your chances of being noticed by meeting planners and getting booked? Do you know the secrets pros use get repeat business and referrals? Do you know how to craft your speaker kit for maximum response?
We do.

Could you use some powerful insights
to help grow your business?
You CAN build a sustainable speaking business. It takes:
- A speaker profile that resonates with meeting planners and gets them to ask YOU for information
- Targeted, impactful, emotional marketing copy
- A strategy and system for following up on leads
- An overall systematized approach to your sales and marketing
- A plan for your next 12 months (at least) with that proven strategy
We share our combined 40+ years of experience.
learn the BEST ways to promote your speaking business!
We have designed this training and mentoring program for emerging professional speakers, thought-leaders, authors, and consultants who want to attract new clients and book more gigs. You can use these insider secrets that give top speakers a competitive edge in your own speaking business!
We've Thought Through Everything You Need
For Marketing Your Speaking Business!

Don't miss any opportunity to act quickly. Be prepared for any question, objection, or sales opportunity!
Save time and money by using proven templates. We've got sample contracts, speaker kits, letters of application, and much more!
Plans & Checklists
You can't get where you're going if you don't KNOW where you're going. Having a plan and a way to get there is the only way to truly measure success.
Systems, templates, scripts, and tools help
to make STANDING OUT simpler, more effective,
and less time-consuming.
- Done-For-You Scripts
- Done-For-You Templates
- Plans & Checklists
- 10 1-Hour Video Webinar Training Modules
- 4-Week Mentoring Course
- 3 Monthly Masterming Mentoring Sessions
- 3 Private 1-on-1 Mentoring Sessions
- Video Profile Critique
Your Quick Success Package Includes:
We've thought of everything you need to really help your speaking career soar. We know the mistakes speakers make in building a sustainable speaking business and how to avoid the pitfalls. We want you to be successful, so we've put together the tools you need to make it happen.
- Elevator Pitch
- Initial Phone Call
- “Checking In” Phone Call
- Outgoing Voicemail Message
- Incoming Voicemail Message
- Fees, Expenses, and Pricing
- Introduction Email
- Follow-up Email
- “No response” Email
- Needs Assessment
- Logistics and Information Gathering
- Request for PR/Media Exposure
- Alternate Compensation Options
- Audio Profile
- “Declined” Follow Up
- After The Event Message
- Referral Request
- Testimonial Request
- Product Pitch/Request to Pitch
- JV/Affiliate Request
- Request for Additional Business
- Workshop/Breakout Information
- Speaker One-sheet
- Pricing List
- Sales Letters
- Postcards
- Client List
- Testimonials
- Media Coverage
- Speaking Schedule/Calendar
- Program Descriptions
- Press Release
- Easel Signage
- Contract
- Preparation Checklist for Planner
- Stage Introduction
- Evaluation Form
- Referral Request
- Branded Email
- Letterhead and Business Cards
- Handouts

We want you to be successful.
You'll also get 4 weekly sessions of our fast-action tele-course led by Johnny Campbell. With accountability partners!!And that's not all... We also include: